Saturday, November 29, 2014

With a Renewed Vigor Unseen by MANY

Greetings and welcome to Ed Cole Rock and Roll! I'm Ed, I play the rock and roll. I was Born in a Boxcar,  raised in a barn, fed Foreign Sausage, learned all about Soapscum and how to Wipe it Up my hometown's other name was Loser Town. My past and present bands include Garden Weasel, the Naysayers, Ed Cole and the College Girls of Tora Bora, White Hot Odyssey, the Underlings and Thundering Asteroids! As this is written, November 29th, 2014, I am on the verge of assembling my newest official solo release, Interim. Started as a 4 track project in Eugene, Interim morphed into a medium-scale self-recorded CD of acoustic songs, aided and abetted by friends with instruments such as cello, mandolin, violin, dobro and harmonica. Some of the contributors include Amy Danzinger (cello), Sean Shanahan (mandolin), Hans Eichinger (fiddle) and Brian Gardiner (drums). Interim was conceived as a transitional song cycle, somehow mirroring my physical move and relocation from Eugene to Portland, Oregon, back in 2012. After many setbacks and procrastinations, Interim is now musically complete, needing only proper artwork and a physical format (CD/ usb flash drive, download and cassette.) I AM SOLICITING DONATIONS TO THIS END. I need about $1,000. If you want to contribute, please click the PayPal button on the sidebar and enter a dollar amount. I'm asking $10 for CDs, USB drives or downloads. Pay now and I'll give you a CD/USB/download later. I've sunk immeasurable amounts of my own money and time into this, I need your help to get me down the final stretch so that I can get this CD into production and start my renewed NW MUSICAL ASSAULT! Thanks and good night,