Tuesday, January 6, 2015


This year I have had a real fun time playing with local Portland group Thundering Asteroids! I was put in touch with the band through a mutual friend last year and I liked the way they sounded and enjoyed their fun songs, so I jumped onboard in late 2013 to fill in as their guitarist. 

We went to Haywire Studios in early September to record the most recent TA! release, The Nerd Punk Guide to the Galaxy, a collection of poppy, hard-rocking Nerd Punk. Check it out! While we were in the process of making that CD, I really enjoyed working with Rob Bartleson; he has a smooth and fast working style, was able to dial up great sounds on the fly and was obviously a pro with his Pro Tools editing skillz. I ended up going to Haywire to mix my own home-recorded CD. Rob really helped me sort out the dozens and dozens of tracks of instruments and vocals I had been tracking at home since…2011? Wow, it’s taken me awhile to put this project together. Many of the instrumental tracks were recorded at my old garage as well as at Dan Jones’ practice shed in Eugene, where I would have different players like Amy Danziger, Brian Donnelly, Dan Jones, Jason and Pia Robbins, Sean Shanahan and others come over and contribute their tracks and then I would break down my gear and bring it back to Portland to work on the overall songs with Brian Gardiner, my wife Tina and Hans Eichinger. At any rate – hats off to Rob; He helped me get my home recorded stuff finalized, helped me put some nails in the coffin of the project, one more CD down, one CD closer to death.